Interactive Art: An Incautious Definition (2023, open access, PDF)


by Giuseppe Torre

Published in 2023
ISBN 978-1-7394331-2-3
This edition is open access (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

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Interactive Art: An Incautious Definition poses the question, What is interactive art? In this short (and often visual) exposition, Giuseppe Torre explores how this question may have been answered long ago in literary criticism, and how computers and algorithms can facilitate the complex exchange between the artist and the audience.

Giuseppe Torre is Associate Professor of digital art practices at the University of Limerick. His research interest lies at the crossings between digital art practices, open-source technology/culture and philosophy. He is the author of An Ethico-Phenomenology of Digital Art Practices (Routledge, 2021). His academic writings feature in journals and books by publishing houses such as MIT Press, Springer, Routledge/Taylor & Francis. As an active digital art practitioner, his works and performances have been showcased nationally and internationally. He is an advocate of FLOOS (Free and Libre Open Source Software) in the teaching and professional practice of all digital arts.

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